Indigenous Established Infoshop in Flagstaff, AZ – Anti-colonial & Anti-capitalist Community Space

4th Annual LIBERATE EARTH DAY! – Call for Workshops/Save the Date!

Greetings ,

Taala Hooghan Infoshop is hosting it’s 4th Annual Liberate Earth Day!

We are inviting folks to propose workshops, discussions, films, etc for this years event.


This year LED will be held on Sunday April 22 from 1-7pm at Taala Hooghan Infoshop. As always, this event is free to attend.


Please send workshop proposals by March 31st to Space is very limited!

We’ll work to notify folks of participation as soon as we get proposals in.



Earth Day has become an act of ritualized consumption by corporations and state agencies that greenwash their eco-cidal actions. LED is an educational and active anti-capitalist/anti-colonial event that addresses direct and meaningful ways towards healthy and sustainable communities.


In the past we’ve had skill-shares on sacred lands protection, direct action, permaculture,  discussions on eco-feminism, green scare and much more.


Join us for this educational and active event for an end to corporate

greenwashing & “green” capitalism!


Some workshops and discussion at previous Liberate Earth Day events:


3rd Annual Workshops:

Anarchist Understandings of Nature and Social Change

Moon Time Liberation

An Affordable Way to Catch and Dispense Your Water

Green Consumerism: The Misguided Discourse on Sustainability

The Green Washing of the Prison Industrial Complex

Film Presentation: “Animal Exploitation, Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy.”

Underlying Contradictions in Liberation Struggles: A Discussion on Strategies Towards Meaningful Support and Solidarity


2nd Annual Workshops:

Abolish Profit Farming & the Importance of Autonomous Agriculture

Green Consumerism: The Misguided Discourse on Sustainability


Derrick Jensen: The Problem of Civilization and Resistance

(online video discussion)

Defending Sacred Lands – Intersections of environmental and

social struggles for justice

Direct Action: Tactical training and discussion

1st Annual:

Abolishing the Non-profit Industrial Complex

Indigenous Traditionalism, Sustainability, & Civilization

Guerilla Gardening

Green Consumerism

Addressing the “Green Scare”