Indigenous Established Infoshop in Flagstaff, AZ – Anti-colonial & Anti-capitalist Community Space

INFO-Farm Site Preparations

In collaboration with the Flagstaff Agricultural Revitalization Movement, Infoshop volunteers have begun to work on the back yard space of the Taala Hooghan Infoshop. Envisioning a food autonomous community, volunteers will be reshaping the neglected yard space into a colorful and lively urban-farm plot.

So far, the INFO-Farm plot is being cleaned up and raised beds are being built. Over the next few weeks, volunteers will be fixing fences, installing rain harvesting systems, and setting up a community compost bin.

Interested in helping out? Just stop by anytime in the afternoon or email

To learn more about the Flagstaff Agricultural Revitalization Movement, please visit

Below are a few pictures of the INFO-Farm:
infofarm (2)
infofarm (1)